Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception


In 1949, the area now known as the Diocese of Oyo was carved out of the Diocese of Lagos and placed into the care of the White Fathers, Monsignor Owen McCoy, WF, becoming the Prefect Apostolic of the new Prefecture of Oyo. Shortly after his appointment Mgr. McCoy came to Britain looking for a Religious Community willing to undertake the educational development of the Oyo Prefecture.

Four generous young women responded to his request. Sisters Fidelis, Patricia, Immaculata and Angela left Glasgow in August 1950 on the first leg of a long, arduous journey to Lagos, arriving there on the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis, 17th September 1950. They began to build with living stones!

The Nigerian Foundation was established to educate young women. Over the past 70 years, it has put down roots and provided rich fruit. In July 2010, the Nigerian Province was created, and a Provincial House established in Lagos.

The Province is divided into three Regions: Our Lady of the Angels (Osogbo), St. Francis (Lagos) and Immaculate Conception (Asaba).

There are over 100 professed sisters in eight Dioceses, including Lagos, Ibadan, Osogbo, Oyo, Abeokuta, Ijebu-Ode, Issele-uku, Minna, Warri and Uromi.
Ministries include:

  • Education (schools, colleges and universities)
  • Healthcare
  • Social work and outreach
  • Youth work
  • Social Communication
  • Prison Ministry
  • Care of the poor and those living on the margins of society.

Following in the footsteps of St. Francis, our Foundresses and the pioneering sisters who gave so much to the Nigerian Mission, the sisters continue today to witness to the charism of the Congregation – living the Gospel Life in simplicity, minority, fraternity and metanoia (lives of continuous conversion).